Bytewiser Data Systems

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E-Croak News

Virus and Worm Removal

Workstations don't just slow down because they get old, although they seem to, more often than not Malware of some kind is at the heart of the problem. We successfully remove all Malware and restore the machine in over 95% of the cases we see.

With business computers it can be devastating to have to format a drive and re-install Windows. Because we at Bytewiser Data Systems have such high regard for our customer's data and business process, we spend a huge amount of time wrestling with these types of issues. Consequently we have gotten very good at it. We, unlike most of our competition do not charge for lab bench time on computers that we cannot fix. Why do so many shops say you have to format your C drive re-install the operating system you ask? Well, sometimes you have to but more often it's just the easiest and fastest way for THEM. So far the longest we have ever spent to remove a virus and repair the damage to the operating system was just over 9 days and the most we have ever charged a customer to do it was 3 bench hours! That should give you a good idea why shops don't want to actually fix these things. Compared to removing a really nasty virus, just about everything else you can fix on a computer is child's play.

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